I awoke with a focus and drive I've never experienced before-a huge calling to me to try watercolors.. Totally bazaar, but I went with it...And then this happened...
And then this happened....
Then I painted the photo you see at the very top of the page-my favorite one as of now! Then I had a request for cardinal as they remind my friend of her late mother....and this happened! I wanted to evoke the feeling of joy, hope and energy...I hope I captured that...this was my practice piece and I'll get some better paper in a few days and do a real one...
I am glad I went with my wake up feelings that day....this has given me a great feeling of accomplishment...I know I have a lot to improve, but I'm focused on the future and learning more! I was never allowed to take an art class in High School-I had to fill my schedule with honors classes and foreign language...all great to know, but I always had wanted to take an art class...maybe, just maybe, if I'd been allowed to do it I'd have found a purpose to my life-I spent so many years wandering and confused, not sure of what I wanted out of life (besides being a mom)...