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Tuesday, January 5, 2021

Stumbling Through Healthy Eating.

I belong to an AMAZING boxing gym.  I have been going there for about 3.5 years and have faithfully showed up every day at 5 AM Monday-Friday (with a few exceptions like when I was an election judge, when I injured myself in a bad fall on ice and the Covid Lockdown).  Every year they host a little 20 day clean eating challenge.  I never wanted to participate because I have so many bowl issues (was diagnosed with IBS-but that really just means no diagnosis) so I am always scared to upset the apple cart.  Fruits and veggies really usually used to set me off so bad that I have been avoiding them like the plague-there are a FEW I know I can tolerate but everything else was taboo.  That was always sad for me because I LOVE fruits and veggies.   Anyhow, I was terrified to try this shock to my system, thinkin that I would wind up on the toilet every few minutes-as I also avoided whole grains and fibery things for that same reason.

I am the person that scoffs at vegetarians, rolls my eyes at vegans and has 7 four pound tubs of Jelly Bellies in her cabinet. Keep in mind that I am the ONLY person in my house that eats Jelly Bellies, so yeah, I'm pretty serious about not being serious about my diet. I do eat in moderation and try to be 'sort of' healthy, but never actively took a big leap into a VERY healthy diet.

I was deep in thought about this whole prospect of eating healthy and thinking of all the things I didn't want to give up. Sugars and dairy are on the list of NO WAY JOSE for this challenge. Then I started remembering back to grade school. A nurse at a cheapo school physical told me that I couldn't participate in any sports or activities until I saw a heart specialist. I went to many docs and specialists, and one of the stock questions is, "do you feel tired or winded with activity." Eleven year old me said, "No." BUTTTT I wound up having heart surgery that summer and after I was fixed up I realized that I WAS tired and winded after activity. I could now walk to my Grammy's house (only a block away) without being tired! I could run faster than ever and for a LONG time! MY BIKE became a fun thing-WARP SPEED!! So how does this relate to healthy eating? Well, I feel fine, I don't feel like I need a diet change because things are fine, I have no real complaints. BUT how do I know if I am feeling my very best if I don't even TRY to feed my body the actual fuel it actually needs instead of all the nonsense it doesn't?

So after all this deep contemplation I decided to leap into this. Now, if you know me, you know I am an 'ALL OR NOTHING' kind of girl and I am my own biggest competition. The first day was REALLY HARD. Not gonna lie. I kept walking past the counter that had all of the leftover Christmas candies, cakes and cookies. It would be so easy to just snag one...just what? So, I did the same thing I did when I quit smoking-I forced a smile and told myself, 'THIS IS GOOD FOR YOU.' Eventually, that smile does become real and not so Jokeresque. I also didn't start the challenge on a good foot because I didn't plan and go shopping ahead of time for this, so I was limited to what we had in the house-which was all crap. IT'S ALL CRAP. EVERYTHING. Read the labels, everything has sugar or enriched something or other. So, off to the store I went.

I mentally prepared myself to need to make a few different store stops.  I had found two recipes I wanted to try online, and was determined to find all these bazaar things I'd never eaten or cooked with before.  So, I was so thrilled to realize I could find all the things I needed at ALDI.  I had been so MAD when ALDI started wasting shelf space on this weirdo alien food crap!  So many of the items that were packaged as 'healthy' though, really were not. Sugar is in so many things that you don't even think about.  

Breakfast was weird for me that first workout day after the challenge began. I ALWAYS have a bowl of cereal and almond milk before the 5 am workout. That day, it was banana and almond milk. I survived, really wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. Funny, how our minds trick us into thinking we know something we don't.

I feel our "public school gym" education needs to focus on healthy eating just as much as the rest. Goodness, cup stacking is an actual unit in gym in Minooka. My poor daughter joined the Minooka schools in 4th grade and felt so inadequate because her cup stacking skills couldn't compare....

🤣🤣🤣 not one word about what those cups should be filled with for good nutrition though. 🤦‍♀️These foods should not be alien, they should be instinctual.
My first attempt at a WFPB recipe:

A little goes a long way, and this will last me a few days. I can pop a little in the microwave before a workout, and I had some this morning. IT WAS WONDERFUL and it stayed with me, very very satisfying.

I should also mention that I am not doing this challenge to lose weight-although that is happening. So far-day 5 I have lost 2.5 pounds. I am doing this challenge to see how I feel by eating good things. I am trying to train my mind, body and soul that food is only a fuel and my body is my vehicle that carries me around. I'd love to be transported in this beautiful world for as long as possible so it is time I start selecting the pump that will be best long term.

And, for every win we have a fail-This is my review for Fit and Active flatbread original whole wheat wrap thingies. 

Day 5:

I made some Healthy Granola today , was so yummy and will be nice to keep so I have a quick and easy snack!

Homemade Granola....I feel it tastes sweet enough, but idk what the rest of the fam thinks yet.
I went to Costco, thank GAWD our new one is open, it is so convenient having it close!  Found some fun goodies that work with my challenge.

What I did:
3 c. Rolled oats
1/2 c. Chopped pecans
1/2 c. Raisins
2 TBS 100% maple syrup
Flax egg (1 TBS ground flax and 3 TBS water-soak 10 mins)

Mix all that crap up and chuck into a 325 oven for 30 mins or till golden, 
toss halfway through.

Day 6

Today has been tough as my bowels are finally rebelling. I really want to stick it out though, just to see if there is a light at the end of the storm.  

I made this nice little veggie dish.  It is a great lunch or snack, made a bunch so I can save for later!

Potatoes, cubed
Butternut squash, cubed
Mushrooms, sliced
Zucchini, cubed
Green pepper, cut up

Put potatoes on trayblined with parchment paper, salt and pepper.  

Toss the rest with salt, pepper, paprika, garlic powder, and onion powder. Put in dish lined with parchment paper.  Stir halfway through.
Chuck it in a 425 oven till done (about 35 minutes) keeping potatoes separate makes them less mushy.

Day 7:

Yesterday was rough, not gonna lie.  I had serious bowel issues and instead of giving up, I soldiered on. I had a banana and instantly started feeling better, and it stopped the other ibs issue.  I also had some peppermint tea and that really helped. 

Today's lunch wss delicious, and great for my soul!

Faux Civeche

Tuna (canned in water do not drain)

Normally,  you would eat this on a tostada but I tried romain. I was prepared for disappointment, but honestly, the crunch of the romain worked into giving me that fun feel! 

Side was sliced mini cukes with lime and salt.

Day 8

Last night I fed my family poison. Well, not really poison, but a meal we would typically eat on a fairly regular basis because it is cheap, easy and my daughter loves it.  Spaghetti.   Complete with bad noodles.  I was hoping I could taste the sauce just a little, but it had added sugar, so I didn't even lick a finger drop.  Garlic bread made with butter, garlic sprinkle and parmesean cheese.  I made myself some eggs and heated up my yummy veggies.  Both my hubby amd my daughter were kind and did not make any snide comments.  
Later that evening, as we were watching The Boys on Prime, I heard, "crinkle crinkle" and saw my hubby trying to 'hide-eat' one of my favorite candy bars-a 100,000 grand bar. Should be called a 100,000 grams of sugar bar 🤣🤣🤣 this is my not so sneaky hubby in the act! 

In closing, yesterday was a great day. My bowels behaved, I felt accomplished, and I had no regrets.  I only feel proud, enlightened and empowered.

Dinner tonight for me was hamburger with romaine instead of buns.  So, I'm a bread girl. I thought I would be so sad to not have the bread. Honestly, I may have liked the flavor more! But I could just be over sensitive with my tasebuds from eating all this good for you foods. 🤷‍♀️  My husband took a photo of me trying to eat it, NOT AN EASY TASK as thw burger slips and slides and the toppings explode out.  Now, in my defense of this awful image, I thought he was taking a selfie of him and Noodle (who is not our cat-he does not know this and Noodle is not his name something else Noodle does not know), who was behind him in the window 🤣🤣🤣🤦‍♀️ so this was obviously not posed 🤣🤣🤣

Day 9

They look like diarrhea~my husband, as he ate the third one.

Healthy cookies.  Only 4 ingredients.  There are loads of recipes out there for simple healthy cookies. This one used quick oats blended to powder (a key ingredient in my FAV chocolate chip cookies I make at Christmas) so I wanted to try them.   Surprisingly delicious and satisfying when you feel like you just need something YUM.  I cannot share this recipe, as it is a secret recipe shared to me my my amazing boxing gym,  K-Fit Minooka, who is hosting this challenge.  The main thing is to just find a recipe that looks promising and just jump in!  This is a very close recipe to what I used
A Tale Of Two Dinners

Since I am the only one on this challenge, I know my family will not be thrilled with some of my menu choices.  So, instead of just making the taco meat the healthy way and pretending it was the same and listening to complaining, I just made two meals. 🤦‍♀️  tacos for them and taco salad for me.

Taco Salad
1 lb ground turkey
2 cloves garlic 
1 15.5 oz can black beans, drained and rinsed
1 T. Chili powder 
1/4 tsp cayenne 
1/2 c. Water

4 tomatoes diced (with juices)
2 T. lime juice
1/2 tsp salt
1/4 tsp pepper 

salad:  romain, chopped

Make dressing ahead of time and chill.

Brown meat, drain, add garlic and beans, cook 2 mins, add remaining meat ingredients and cook till water is mostly absorbed.

Day 10-the halfway mark!!

So, I made it over the hump of bad bowels and feeling like I am underwater...I currebtly am really feeling fantastic! 

I have discovered that my main issues with eating "poison" foods is that I HATE cooking, and am a lazy cook.  I am reprogramming my brain to plan ahead, make things ahead of time so I can grab and go as well as making shopping easy by planning ahead.

I really loved that carrot cake oatmeal, and finished it all up.  It lasted a LONG time and I had it every morning upon waking up. This time, when I made a new batch, I also added 1/4 tsp ground cloves to it and it is the BOMB. 

Those banana peanut butter cookies are coming in clutch, a great and satisfying snack after a meal for that "finisher."

Tomorrow I will be making this recipe:

I added some avacado to my leftover taco salad from yesterday, as my big Costco avocado purchase is finally ripe.   YUM. Today is just all leftovers, as I also have some civeche left over.  

Day 11

I wanted to mention my weight.   I am not participating in this challenge to lose weight, as I mentioned before, but I AM losing some.  I started at 122.6 pounds and am down to 119.0.  Since I started going to the gym Mon-Fri at 5 AM for the boxing/circut over 3 years ago, my weight has been fluctuating between 118-126. I know I have more muscle than before, and my body has craved food like never before.  For me, these are REALLY high numbers, so I really don't look at the numbers as much as how I look and how my clothes feel.  
I know you cannot putwork a bad diet, but working out does make one have a little sense of food freedom, "well, I worked out so I can have *insert bad food here."  This challenge has made me realize I can put good fuel into my body, enjoy it, and reap the rewards. The longer I go the less I think about what I am "missing."  Rather, I have gained so much-and it sure isn't pounds 🤣🤣🤣🙈

Tonight's meal is curry, potatoes chickpeas and brown rice.   We shall see if the girl child eats any of it. 🤣🤣

My first time making brown rice,  and any sort of Indian food, if that's what this is 🤣🤣🤣  I am cullinarilally inept.  It is delicious, although odiferous!!  My daughter refused to trybit because she said it smelled so gross.  She hasn't come downstairs, unless her face is hidden in her shirt. 🤣🤣🤣🤦‍♀️

Day 12

Today I made another batch of cookies.  This time, I added in unsweetened coconut flakes, raisins, and cinnamon.   Yyyuuuummmmm.  I made another batch of tjat breakfast hash because it is such an easy, delicious and good for you snack.  Also, I made another batch of granola yesterday and added the unsweetened coconut flakes to that also, delish! The scale said 118.4 today, so down some more weight!! Woot woot! 
Side note:  my house smelled. SOOooooo bad.  After dinner last nigjt, I even still smelled it this morning.   3 candles solved that problem before the girl child could wake up and complain that the house still stunk.

 Day 13

Nachos with no cheese and some guac! Still doing great on this journey! 

Day 14

I am down almost 5 pounds, that is HUGE and the best part is, it has been EASY and I feel great!  Tonight we are having grilled chicken breasts (seasoned with slap ya mama Cajun)with brown rice and veggies.  Easy and a family pleaser 

Day 16

With hubby on his 12 hour shifts these days, the need to cook is not there, we still have tons of left overs.  Today I felt the need for more, first time since starting,  so I treated myself to a green smoothie.  I used this recipe

Day 17

Cabbage Roll Slop

Idk what else to call it. I had a bunch of random almost leftovers, and the girl child isn't eating here tonight so here is what I did:
1 lb. Ground beef
1 can diced petite tomatoes (with juices)
1 tsp salt
1/4 tsp pepper 
1 small onion, chopped
2 tsp coconut oil
1/2 head of cabbage cut into biggish chunks
Spinach (idk how much, maybe 3 cups but it dissappears anyway hahah)
2 cups cooked brown rice

Brown beef, drain, put in a bowl.

Use 1 tsp coconut oil to just brown onions, set aside with beef.

Use remaining 1 tsp coconut oil to brown cabbage till wilty.

Now chuck everything in the pan and let it heat up.  Freaking delish!

Day 18

I only have two more days of this, and today I went shopping.  Inhad a choice to make, plan on eating unhealthy after this challenge or keep it up. I could plan on making a great fatting yummy dinner to celebrate my achievement or I could plan on making a healthy yummy dinner to celebrate my life.  I made the smart choices all over the store. I planned a meal for tomorrow-zucchini stuffed burritos.  And then I saw saurkraut...and bought some. 🤣🤣🤣🤦‍♀️ idk why I wanted it, but I did. The first time I ever snacked on plain kraut, and I liked it.  I also made scrambled eggs with a side of avacado, omg yum!!!
I also bought some frozen berries for a fruit smoothie.   Gonna use one cup of berries, one banana,  and one cupbof almond milk in nutribullet.

The smoothie is a win!
During this all I have been boxing at 5 am and yoga at 5 pm. 

Day 19
From facebook:  Totally feel weird sharing this, but I figured I would. Most people never feel ok with themselves, so I will suck it up and just put it out there. Tomorrow the challenge is officially over, but I did my after pics today because I happened to have the time. 

Over these 19 days I have lost 5.2 pounds.  I mentioned in the beginning that I wasn't doing this to lose weight, I wanted to just see what would happen if I fed my body properly. I feel like I have had great results doing this, mentally and physically.  I will now stop posting about this crap on facebook, as I am sure y'all are sick of it. I will, however, continue updating my blog as I find more yummy recipes and information as I move forward. 

Again, I want to stress that I am not looking at this as a "diet" in the traditional sense. I have decided to make far more mindful decisions about what I am feeding my body.  After the initial shock of reading labels and realizing how much crap is in our normal everyday foods it became a lot easier to make smart decisions.

Today we have a little road trip. I made a batch of those yummy healtjy cookies and granola to bring with. Will also bring some fruit so we can eat smart and easy.

My lunch went well. We stopped at Culver's and I didn't order anything.  I was mostly worried my husband and daughter would harass me about it, but they didn't make a single comment. Smelling it was rough, as Culver's is my FAV. But I remained strong and didn't even have one fry. 
Made it home from our road trip, I was a little hungry so I made an omelet with a side of kraut! 🤣🤣
Day 20
Well, I made another batch of my carrotcake oatmeal.  This is significant  because the challenge is over and I still have my sugary cereals in the cabinets. I am making the conscious decision to feed my body properly and with intention.

I went out to lunch with my kiddos today.  The first time in a long time since everything was shut down and our governor finally lifted that ban.  I had a burger, but I ordered it without the bun.  This is something I would never have done in the past.  But, I am glad I did.  Honestly, the bread doesn't add flavor, just soaks up the slop.  I have no regrets and I made smart choices.  I did have fries, but that was my little allowance.   I ADORE fries, choose restaurants based solely on their fries 🤣🤣🤣.  

The journey continues:
Tonight I made Zucchini Burrito Boats. Inused an online recipe, but modified it so much it is just easier to rewrite the whole thing than say what I did different.

3 Zucchini halved, lenghtwise
1T olive oil 
1T coconut oil 
Salt and pepper
1/2 onion chopped
2 cloves garlic, minced
1 pound ground beef, browned and drained
1 tsp chile powder
1 tsp cumin
1/2 tsp paprika 
2 tomatoes, diced
1 cup corn (frozen or canned drained)
Cheddar cheese (if desired, I didn't on mine but my hubby had it on his and he loved it)


Oven 350
Scoop guts of Zucchinis and set aside. Place cut side up on parchment paper lined cookie sheet, drizzle oil over them and season with salt and pepper.  Bake till almost temder, anout 10 minutes.

While Zucchini cook, add coconut oil to pan, cook till soft the onions, garlic, and Zucchini guts.  Add seasonings, meat tomoates and corn and simmer till hot. Once zuccini halves are done, spoon mixture onto the Zucchini boats and sprinkle with cheese if desired. Bake for 10-15 mins  

Top with avacado and cilantro

Day 22
I made these two things today
The soup is very unappealing looking but I thought it was delish.  It gives you a creamy soup feel without any dairy. Husband did NOT like it. We both loved the bread.

Day 27

Sorry, has been a while, but I am still being very mindful of my food. Tried this recipe.   I don't love it and I don't hate it.  Probably won't make it again though. 

 Day 30
We went out to dinner last night. I was a little splurgy and had cheese enchiladas, rice, tampequena and beans. I only had a very small portion of it, so I feel good about it.

I have been doing really well, following this new plan and can count the amount of "cheats" on one hand.   I find that I love feeling great and how I look without the extra fluff. 

Feb 5th
I bought these dried mangoes (and zero added anything ingredients:  mangoes)at Costco yesterday. Absolutely delicious and are like eating candy. Today, I hit my weight goal. I am enjoying this so very much. I feel great, I feel I look great (as far as weight goes anyhow) and I will keep on being smart with my body.
Feb 6
Brown rice seasoned with only everything but the bagel seasoning. Chicken breasts premarinated southwest style at aldi. YUMMMMM

Also, I wanted to make that potato curry dish again cuz it was sooooo good. My family has PTSD over the smell that lasted 2 days (hubby says it was 3), so we did the frying of onion, garlic and spices on the grill.  In sub zero weather. 🤣🤣🤣 I am stoked cuz that dish is BOMB!  

I also forgot to mention that we met my son and his wife for bruch the other day. Normally, I get waffles or pancakes or cheesey stuffed french toast. I went very healthy with scrambled eggs, hashed browns, bacon and wheat toast, dry. It was great and I didn't even feel like I was missing out. This is also die to tje fact that I frigging feel amazing and I also hot a weight goal. I love my new leaner body. It os the one I had for years and years until I started working out a lot and developed an unsatiable hunger that I figured was from working out. I am happy to have found my new path.

Feb 13

I am still doing great, and have hit my goal wait and have been maintaining it. I am so proud.  Best part is, I am not missing anything. I feel satisfied and proud. I treated myself to a sparkly bra in celebration haha! I even made a booberang. 

I am going to make this new recipe today! Looks delish!
I have been CRAVING hot chocolate, so happy I tried this!  Not the same, but a great substitute when you just refuse to give in to temptation...

1 cup almond milk
1 Tbs Cocoa, unsweetened 
1 Tbs 100% maple syrup 
1/2 tsp vanila
Pinch of salt

Put in saucepan and whisk it...whisk it good.

So, since beginning this healtby eating journey,  I am having odd cravings. 8 have gone through 3 jars of kraut (not all are created equal, I am now a kraut snob). When I saw these in Farm and Fleet today I had to jump on board.

Jalapeno quail eggs review 🙈

So,  I feel I was to hasty with my sudden first impression. The flavor bomb threw me for a loop. I actually enjoyed the second little egg, and look forward to more. But they are spicy AF.

Pretty sure these will be better cold, but I couldn't resist and tried it warm. Not that great, but not that awful. I would probably like them more if that darn almond butter wasn't so expensive. They smelled good cooking though 🤣🤣🤣 I will update after I try them cold.

Looks Like Shit, Tastes Like Shit Brownies

3 ripe bananas, mashed
1/2 c. Cocoa powder
1/4 tsp cinnamon 
1 1/2 cup almond butter

350 for 20 mins, cool completely before cutting and eating.

So, those brownies wound up actually being pretty decent. I mayake them again

I have perfected my cookie recipe:

Shawn's Good For Your Body And Soul Cookies

2 ripe bananas, mashed
1 cup rolled oats (measure first, then stick in blender till they are powdered)
2 TBS organic 100% Peanut butter 
1/2 cup raisins 
1/2 cup roughly chopped pecans
1/2 cup Organic Coconut chunks roughly chopped
1 tap. Cinnamon 
Mix ingredients and put on parchment paper lined cookie sheet, they don't spread so they can be close. Cook 15 minutes.  Once cool, store in airtight container in fridge.

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