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Saturday, February 8, 2014

Broomstick Lace Hat: A true test of determination

The pattern I felt like tackling today, the gazillionth day of frozen nasty too cold to go out and play weather, is the Broomstick Lace Hat pattern found on this link if you scroll down a ways:

I thought it was such a cute hat.  I was confident in my crochet abilities.  I sat down with some yarn and went to work....and then realized I was confused....froggged...went to work again...frogged....and so it went, ever determined to figure this thing out I kept at it, confident in my abilities to figure this little sucker out without googling techniques.

in my best Sponge Bob narrator's voice:  hour and a half later....

Mad dash to youtube and found a great little tutorial.
Had I written the pattern I'd have said (after the do not turn part): And now you go BACKWARDS DUMMY!
Happily I sat, crocheting like a wild woman, giddy and squeaking in exuberance, anxiously checking my inches, hoping I was almost done because I couldn't wait to finish....

And THEN when I think FINALLY! ALMOST DONE! I realize I don’t know what a reverse sc is so MORE research is needed. This is turning into quite the project. DOH! Here is a video for THAT. Oh, and my auntie holds her hook this way…drives me batty!!

I have finally finished this hat.  I'm thrilled with it.  I know the color isn't what many would think is a great color but I love it and since I'm wearing it that is all that matters. :P

I used the ch 31 option at first, and glad I did because I have a small head.  I added another decrease round at the top as well.  

Since I don't knit, I had ZERO knitting needles to use to hold up my loops so I used a rubber scraper that had a handle that looked like it might work.  It did! :)  I wasn't about to buy a knitting needle since I took the solemn vow to NEVER EVER KNIT.  I KNOW it is a vow I will is just a matter of WHEN I will break it.  Not today boys and girls...not today. :)

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